Thursday, January 8, 2009


Welcome one and all to first post in 2009. I am Robbie, and this is where I will be documenting all that must be written for comm 3P92. I just want to start out by getting something off my chest. This blog apparently has no support for Helvetica.

I come into this course we little preconceived notions. Little isn't "none", and I'll list my biases and feelings towards certain ideas. I am not a huge fan of WoW. I know people that play it, and I guess it doesn't add anything to them. It doesn't take anything away, but if I already don't like the person very much, the fact that they play WoW religiously doesn't help my opinion of them. Granted, a close friend of mine plays WoW and I think no less of him. I think my main gripe with it is how much of a cash grab it is. As well as the obscene amounts of time he spends playing it. 

I'm excited to take this course and have already signed up for Second Life. I did it earlier this week to get a head start on the course. I have previous second hand experience with SL already. A friend of mine was involved with Mohawk College's development of a building in SL. Her role was testing and minor development, however she did not know very much about SL. Anyways, the press came to the school for the official unveiling. My friend was walking around the SL Mohawk College campus. Another more knowledgeable person changed her view from first to second person and lo and behold, her character was completely naked on a projector screen in the SL campus in front of a bunch of media reporters. It made sense why people kept handing us clothes as we unsuccessfully tried to navigate SL the night before the media event.

Anyways, my characters name this time around is Eno Cyberschreiber. More images to come. I've already had some good and not so good experiences. I've met two people from Australia and watched them build an art gallery together. The woman I met is a SL photographer. She takes pictures in SL and displays them in SL. I asked her if ever got paid for her work, and she said she has but that isn't the reason she does it. Her friend had hair that was crazy. They were both really nice and told me some good things to know in SL. Some things had to do with etiquette. Never ask for people's real names, jobs or anything to do with real life. People come to SL to escape real life for the most part. It was almost insulting to when I asked her what her name was. The people I met were a rarity. Most people so far on SL keep to themselves or don't talk at all.

I did get griefed once. Griefing is when more experienced members give new members or noobs a hard time. I was given a box titled "singing vagina" which when opened attached a huge pokemon character to me, along with loud female sex sounds. When I dropped the object, my avatar proceeded to engage in an unstoppable humping animation. I had to log out. Before I was able to log out, another member by the name of Tomer used a weapon on me and trapped me inside a sphere. It was a rough time, but my friends I met earlier prepared me. They told me about weapons and showed me some. They turned me into an ice cube and a KFC bucket to show me what they were like. If you get griefed and don't know what to do, teleport to another area or log out.

That's it for now. I'll post pictures of the art gallery next entry. It's coming along nicely. 

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