First of all, I'd like to address the slogan of this blog. It is no
t a grammatical error, but rather a play on an old Internet meme.
To give you an idea of how old this is, think about the Hamster Dance. Remember that? This is just as old as that. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page describing the All Your Base Are Belong To Us meme. And for those who are less versed, here is the Wikipedia page describing what a meme is. There. Now you're caught up. Moving on.
Now is the time to document some of my Second Life journeys in photo form. We'll start out with what a lot of new users encounter in their journeys in Second Life. Griefing. This is a picture of what happened when I activated a gesture someone gave me called "Superdance!

Next up is an early picture of my character. Default skin and modified "Business Man" hair into a makeshift mohawk.

Note the awkward facial structure, cauliflower ears, Tobias Funke nose and droopy-ass eyes? Also what was I thinking with the little soul patch? Jesus. I'm not sure what is going on with the eye brows, but it looks like I am mad and surprised at the same time.
Here is where I finally got a better skin. See the difference?

Already a little better isn't it? Better structure, more proportionate. Good thing I met someone nice enough to buy me it because I sure wasn't going to spend the 990L$ it cost. I was lucky to meet someone nice enough to help me on my journeys.
Ah yes. The eyes. The windows to the soul. Take a look at these! Again, my friend bought me two awesome sets. These ones are cyborg-esque, my other pair are hazel like my real eye colour. I even have sparkle to add to my eyes. Pretty rad, non?

This picture was taken in one of my "hangouts" on SL. It's called Necto, and it's usually empty. I still check it out every so often because they play Detroit Techno there, which is one genre of music I particularly enjoy.
Here's some more picture of Necto, with yours truly behind the tables (note that they are unplugged and also note the Macbook, haha).

Necto is a pretty nice place. The music definitely isn't for everyone but it suits my taste most of the time. The people here are pretty good too.
Chakryn Forest is a place someone gave me when I was new to explore. It's pretty here. Lots of things to look at. You might even see a unicorn. If you can find the waterfall, see what's behind it!

I teleported a few classmates here to show them around. I forgot where Tai Chi is, but it's somewhere in the forest. Try and find it. Look out for the tiny elf people!
I heard about Oahu, Hawaii from a classmate and decided to check it out.

If you wanted to try out surfing, this is the place. It's not very easy, or fun for that matter. You can get a free set of swim shorts here, and I put on a pair of free flip-flops I got from the Freebie Warehouse to complete the ensemble. If you want, you can camp in this the Lifeguard chair for 3L$ per half hour. Not very much, but it's a start I suppose.
Last up is a place called Greenies. It was shown to me by a SL veteran and it is an amazing build. I'm not going to spoil the surprise, because it really is a cool place to check out. This place rewards your curiosity. There is usually some people hanging around that might be willing to talk, if you're looking for that.

If you can find out how to get to the spaceship (and you're in my class of course) take a picture of your avatar in it and I'll give you 25L$! Good luck!
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