Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Anything you can do in Second Life you can do in real life and vice versa. I decided to take advantage of this, which lead me to the place and the group known as Necto. I do not know many people who actively listen to the same music I do in. In fact, I can think of only two that I know of. However, what does it take to know someone. I haven’t been on any message boards of chat groups looking for people, because it is fairly time consuming and for some reason I don’t have the drive to do so. However, because Second Life is a part of this course, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity and see what I could find in terms of a Detroit techno and electro music scene.

I began my search using the search bar (ironic, I know). I found the typical places like Dance Island and other places and clubs, but it wasn’t what I was looking for. I wanted a  specific style of music and people who appreciate it. Since the search bar was giving me limited results, I had to take the next step and start asking around. I went into clubs and starting talking to people, asking if they knew of any places that played the music I wanted to hear. People gave me some land marks to go to, and through a bit of traveling and talking, I found Necto.

Necto is a SL club that plays electro, Detroit techno, minimal house and other relative styles of music. More importantly, it’s a place for people of like minded musical interest to congregate. The club is owned by Lucius Renfold and he is also the resident DJ. While never packed, the club does get visits from people who are interested in DJ’ing or just in the music itself. I have spoken to multiple people in Necto on topics ranging from production to DJ skills to artist and song discussion. 

There are now two Necto clubs in Second Life. The old one is labeled as such, so make sure to check out the newest one!

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