Pictures in order are Korea1, Morris, and Munich City.

For this week's blog post, it's all about news and news media in SL. To start things off, in the SL world, people seem to be obsessed with mirroring real life. Why is that so? With the potential benefits of having an online world, why are people trying to make it just like it is in real life?
The reason I say this is because places like Reuters and CNN's iReport are emulating real world news transmission services (because they are real world news media stations). Utilize the technology! Take advantage of hypertexual techniques and Web 2.0! Don't have a desk with a camera and read off news stories! Technology takes us away from the linear construct of time, so why try and transplant that into a world such as Second Life? This has been a frustration with me for a long time and a big reason I am not a fan of SL. Actually it's the only reason I don't like it (actually that's not true, lag is another issue, as well as the commodity based system of acceptance...but that's another story)
So anyways, I don't want to look for a story from these websites because that would be old-digital-hat. So here's my idea. I'm going to the incident report website on to look at what sort of "crimes" have gone on. I'll then visit the place to see what happens. Will I get sexually harassed? Will I get griefed? Will anything happen at all? Find out as I visit the worst places in SL.
First Place: Munich City
Violation: Community Standards: Harassmant, Verbal Abuse
(offensive language)
I've been to Munich City before, but not to the night club that I transported to. Seems to be another mirror for RL Munich City. I think it's funny how a lot of people like to keep RL and SL separate, yet they feel the need to create a RL Munich. Seems counter-intuitive and ironic to me, but what do I know.
Sexual harassment seems to happen a lot in clubs, heck I've been in places where a lamp as been autoscripted to tell me I was good looking. I suppose this was a case of someone not liking some comments they received at a night club. Seems a weird place to make that call, considering most people at night clubs wear only shreds of digital clothing. Ah well, perhaps this was not the case.
I deem Munich City to be a dead spot on my first visit. Nothing happening. Perhaps because of rampant sexual harassment?
Region: Morris
Violation: Caging
This is an offense where someone has created a program to lock an avatar in a cage. Sometimes the user has to restart SL, but some cages are more difficult to escape, with the aggressor being the only person able to set them free.
Well well well! I came to report on the story and got attacked! I was asking around the place in regards to the caging incident and low and behold I was attacked! Check out the picture, was put into some sort of spirial of white dust and flew up into the air by a man in his underwear. Apparently in this sand box, griefing is not uncommon. It's such a hard second life being a news reporter.
Last up on my journey into the underbelly of SL is in Korea1
Violation: indecency (perhaps the youngin's should cover they eyes. this could get racy)
Ahh downtown Korea. When you go downtown in any city, you can almost always expect some indecency. People yelling on street corners, overhearing conversation with swearing, public nudity (trench coats catch people by surprise a lot) and various other lewd acts are not uncommon in a city life.
This appears to be a popular hangout. It's full of people who are strict followers of the PG code. It is full of really annoying people who talk about stupid things. Frankly I'm not surprised indecency occurred.
The place where I collected the news is on It is aggregated as it happens and updates occur daily. It is all news related to infractions that occur in Second Life.
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